Teaching English to Young Learners

Teaching English to Young Learners


This course will cover some or all of the following aspects:

·         Personal language development

·         Insights into cultural and intercultural issues

·         Classroom language

·         Theories of cognitive development and first language learning in young learners

·         A range of approaches for teaching English to young learners and how such approaches may be realised in the classroom

·         Evaluation of materials for teaching English to young learners

·         Design and creation of teacher-made materials

·         Assessment of young learners

·         Initial syllabus and course design

·         Classroom observation as a means of revealing and informing practice

This course will extend the participant’s understanding and critical awareness of:

·         The principles and practice of teaching English to young learners

·         Classroom language

·         How to improve and update their spoken and written English

Time will be built into the course for reflection and for participants to consider how to adapt ideas from the course to classrooms in their own professional contexts.


This course is aimed at teachers as well as academic managers in the young learner field (the term ‘young learners’ should be taken to cover the 6-13 age range).

Participants should have a minimum language level corresponding to B1 on the Common European Framework.


07 – 18 July 2014

21 July – 01 August 2014

18 – 29 August 2014